How To Garden Like a Real Witch is an ongoing Youtube blog series.
All released Episodes available here –
This personal project combines performance, film and animation and is an opportunity for me to explore a comic outlet and exorcise my inner goth. I’m a firm believer that plants and nature have life changing properties and should play a big part in our lives, but this tongue-in-cheek blog series pokes fun at trying to find quick fixes and surface remedies in a fast paced and monetised self-care movement.
Conjuring up a whimsical gothic lens of magic and gardening to suggest philosophical and ethical themes, Lennox Mead, never really gets round to teaching us how to garden. The blog ultimately aims to be uplifting and encouraging, reminding us that our lives are enriched not only by awareness and care of the self, but also care beyond the self – our communities and our relationship with nature.